Evelyn Welch教授訪台演講

各位世界史學者與研究生: 大家好,英國知名學者Evelyn Welch將於2014年5月27日(二)在國立政治大學舉行「Renaissance Florence: A World View」專題演講,內容摘要如下: This lecture looks at how the way Florence saw the world and how the world saw Florence changed in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Few Florentines actually left their city but by 1550, goods from Mexico, Peru, Japan and other locations increasingly made their way into the Medici family collections. In turn, Florentine artists incorporated visions of exotic worlds they had never actually seen onto the city’s walls and decorations and promoted their city as a new global centre. 歡迎各位踴躍參加,詳細資訊請見海報,EvelynWelch訪台期間其他演講場次請見: http://svc.ym.edu.tw/app/news.php?Sn=71