
台灣世界史討論會演講 講 題:Histories of Disease in a Pandemic 演講者:Erica Charters (Professor of the Global History of Medicine, Faculty of History, University of Oxford) 與談人:李尚仁(中央研究院歷史語言研究所研究員) 主持人:楊肅献(台大歷史系教授) 時 間:2022年9月2日(星期五)上午10:00-12:00 地 點:google meet 會議連結 主辦單位:台灣世界史討論會 台大歷史系 國科會計畫經費補助 Abstract: Histories of Disease in a Pandemic The discipline of the history of medicine has long studied epidemics as a way to understand societies. Epidemics of early modern plague and nineteenth-century cholera, for example, have been researched to analyse the economic, political, and cultural frameworks that underpin past societies. Building on social history methodologies, these approaches consider disease as part of society, rather than as a force external to its workings. But how does living through a pandemic influence such analysis of the past? This talk will reflect on the ways that the experience of the Covid-19 pandemic has shaped historical research, discussing the multidisciplinary 'How Epidemics End' project as a case study.





