
各位台灣世界史討論會的同仁與同學,大家好! 台灣世界史討論會謹訂於3月22日(星期三)15:00-18:00,將在台大歷史系會議室舉行第 60 回討論會。這次討論會,我們很榮幸邀請到德國柏林自由大學近代史教授 Sebastian Conrad,就「全球史」的議題發表演講,並與各位同仁與同學交流,精彩可期,敬請大家踴躍出席。我們非常感謝中研院史語所文化史想史研究室同仁的費心安排,力邀Sebastian Conrad 教授到台灣,進行這次難得的學術交流。 為了配合 Professor Conrad 在台行程,這一回討論會的時間是安排在星期三下午,而不是慣例的星期五下午,還請各位留意! 又,大台北地區以外的同仁與同學出席這次討論會,有交通費補助,請保留交通工具票根,以憑核銷。 敬祝 道安 台灣世界史討論會敬邀 活動資訊詳情如下: 台灣世界史討論會第60回 講 題: European history after the global turn 演講者:Professor Sebastian Conrad(Chair of Modern History, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany) 主持人:楊肅献(台大歷史系教授) 時 間:2023年3月22日(星期三),15:00-18:00 會議地點:台大歷史系會議室 主辦單位:台灣世界史討論會 中研院史語所文化思想史研究室 台大歷史系 演講摘要: Over the past decades, the writing of European history has seen fundamental transformations. The global turn has deeply affected the historiography produced in many European countries. On the one hand, crucial watersheds of European history have been reinterpreted as part of larger configurations, and as responses to global challenges. On the other, it is now clear that Europe’s claim to unity and cohesion was reinforced, not least, by observers from without. In the late nineteenth century, in societies across Latin America, Africa, and Asia, contemporaries began to refer to a “Europe” that was less a specific location than a product of the imagination; the result less of geography or culture than of global geopolitics. What emerges, then, is an understanding of the history of the continent that places it firmly in the context of global conjunctures and repeated moments of re-territorialization.




