各位世界史討論會的師長與同學們 大家好:
Keywords: H. P. Lovecraft, Atlantic history, “The Shadow Over
Innsmouth,” sailors
歡迎有興趣的師長與同學們蒞臨參與, 且台灣世界史討論會有補助與會師長交通費的部分( 除台北市與新北市外),敬請老師們多加利用,謝謝。
臺灣世界史討論會 敬上
台灣世界史討論會第三十一回,即將於2015年12月18日( 五)於國立臺灣師範大學歷史系視聽教室(文學院勤大樓4樓) 舉辦,詳細議程與論文摘要如下:
發表人:Dr. Evan Lampe(淡江大學歷史系助理教授)
與談人:李今芸 老師(國立暨南大學歷史系副教授)
主持人:林美香 老師(國立政治大學歷史系副教授)
講題:In Praise of the Innsmouth Look: Nautical Terror and the Specter of Atlantic History in H. P. Lovecraft’s Fiction
Title: In Praise of the Innsmouth Look: Nautical Terror and the Specter of Atlantic History in H. P. Lovecraft’s Fiction
The “Innsmouth Look” combines several important themes explored by H. P. Lovecraft in his fiction: racial degeneration, fear of unknown creatures from the sea, and backwater oddity. It also reveals Lovecraft’s relationship to several aspects of Atlantic history. This article will define the “Innsmouth Look” to be both the specific physiological changes described in “The Shadow Over Innsmouth” and Lovecraft’s broader exploration of the terror of the sea. Maritime workers appear in his stories as villains largely due to their participation in the heterodox cults associated with the ancient gods of the so-called “Cthulhu Mythos.” These workers, however, are also invoking a long tradition of cultural resistance in Atlantic history. The “Innsmouth Look” is also seen in Lovecraft’s description of working people and communities excluded from economic progress. The violence of exclusion, as well as the more direct violence of slavery and anatomical sciences, are in many ways the roots causes of working class resentment against the Atlantic elite, which Lovecraft affiliated himself with. Most obviously, Lovecraft was feeding into early twentieth century discourses on race and culture mixing. Although racist, Lovecraft faced directly the truth that Atlantic history made racial purity in the Americas a myth. Taken together, this article argues that the “Innsmouth Look” is best examined as a tension between freedom and violence and therefore ultimately can be read through the lens of Atlantic history as an expression of the working class resistance.
發表人:Dr. Evan Lampe(淡江大學歷史系助理教授)
與談人:李今芸 老師(國立暨南大學歷史系副教授)
主持人:林美香 老師(國立政治大學歷史系副教授)
講題:In Praise of the Innsmouth Look: Nautical Terror and the Specter of Atlantic History in H. P. Lovecraft’s Fiction
Title: In Praise of the Innsmouth Look: Nautical Terror and the Specter of Atlantic History in H. P. Lovecraft’s Fiction
The “Innsmouth Look” combines several important themes explored by H. P. Lovecraft in his fiction: racial degeneration, fear of unknown creatures from the sea, and backwater oddity. It also reveals Lovecraft’s relationship to several aspects of Atlantic history. This article will define the “Innsmouth Look” to be both the specific physiological changes described in “The Shadow Over Innsmouth” and Lovecraft’s broader exploration of the terror of the sea. Maritime workers appear in his stories as villains largely due to their participation in the heterodox cults associated with the ancient gods of the so-called “Cthulhu Mythos.” These workers, however, are also invoking a long tradition of cultural resistance in Atlantic history. The “Innsmouth Look” is also seen in Lovecraft’s description of working people and communities excluded from economic progress. The violence of exclusion, as well as the more direct violence of slavery and anatomical sciences, are in many ways the roots causes of working class resentment against the Atlantic elite, which Lovecraft affiliated himself with. Most obviously, Lovecraft was feeding into early twentieth century discourses on race and culture mixing. Although racist, Lovecraft faced directly the truth that Atlantic history made racial purity in the Americas a myth. Taken together, this article argues that the “Innsmouth Look” is best examined as a tension between freedom and violence and therefore ultimately can be read through the lens of Atlantic history as an expression of the working class resistance.
Keywords: H. P. Lovecraft, Atlantic history, “The Shadow Over
Innsmouth,” sailors
臺灣世界史討論會 敬上
