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講  題: The Latino Condition: Understanding Multiculturalism and
Pan-Latino Ethnicity in US History

主講人: Marc S. Rodriguez
            Associate Professor, Portland State University Editor,
Pacific Historical Review

主持人: 張谷銘 教授(本所副研究員)

時    間: 2016年3月16日(週三) 下午4:00~5:30

地    點: 中研院史語所研究大樓七樓701室


Latinos or Hispanic citizens and migrants living in the United States
have played a role in North American history since before the founding
of the British Colonies on the Eastern Seaboard. The population has
often been considered a regional minority rather than a national
multicultural one. This talk discusses the current status of Latinos
and considers the ways the state, public discourse, and politicians
have often branded Latino citizens and non-citizens as “outsiders”
even though in places like California, Texas, and New Mexico Latinos
have a centuries long presence that often predates the founding of the
United States. This essay considers the ways the Chicano Movement for
Civil Rights (1960s-1980s) which arose in the 1960s provided the
foundation for a new “Chicano” (and later pan-Latino) identity which
made claims to a longstanding place in the Americas in general, and in
North America in particular and provided new Latino immigrants with
ready strategies for creating varied responses to life in the USA.

Marc S. Rodriguez is an associate professor of history at Portland
State University and the managing editor of the Pacific Historical
Review. Rodriguez has just published Rethinking the Chicano Movement
(2015) with Routledge, which is an examination of the Mexican American
civil rights movement of the 1960s and 1970s. His first book, The
Tejano Diaspora: Mexican Americanism and Ethnic Politics in Texas and
Wisconsin (2011), won the National Association of Chicano and Chicana
Studies’ Texas Nonfiction Book Award. He is also the editor of
Repositioning North American Migration History: New Directions in
Modern Continental Migration, Citizenship, and Community (2004) and a
co-editor, with Anthony Grafton, of Migration in History: Human
Migration in Comparative Perspective (2007).

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