各位世界史討論會的師長與同學們 大家好:
以下轉發政大EARN(Enlightenment and Romanticism Network)首次籌辦浪漫主義相關的跨領域國際研討會之徵稿 啟示,歡迎有興趣的師長與同學們投稿參與,謝謝。
Romantic Legacies, National Chengchi University (NCCU), Taipei, Taiwan, 18-19 November 2016
Conference Website: http://rl2016.com/
Keynote Speakers:
Rachel Bowlby, FBA (Comparative Literature, Princeton University/English, University College, London): “Romantic Walking and Railway Realism”
Arthur Versluis (Religious Studies, Michigan State University): TBA
In his seminal book The Roots of Romanticism (1999), Isaiah Berlin regards Romanticism as “the largest recent movement to transform the lives and the thoughts of the Western world.” Indeed, Romantic ideas and attitudes—embraced by Goethe, Hegel, Sade, de Staël, Rousseau, Baudelaire, Wollstonecraft, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, Beethoven, Schubert, Poe, Emerson, Thoreau, Dickinson, Turner, and Delacroix, to name but a few—not merely changed the course of history in the West in the late-eighteenth and nineteenth centuries but helped to fashion twentieth-century democracy, environmentalism, Surrealism, fascist nationalism, communist universalism, spiritualism, social liberalism, and so forth in the West as well as in the East. This two-day interdisciplinary conference aims to bring together academics from across the humanities and social sciences to explore the full spectrum of possible Romanticisms, the germination, maturation, and development of this heritage on both sides of the Atlantic and its afterlife in our global capitalist culture today.
We invite proposals for individual papers or collaborative panels from academics in the humanities and social sciences to reassess Romanticism and its legacies in different nations and disciplines. Possible topics may include, but are not limited to:
· Esotericism and Spiritualism
· Emotion and Neuroesthetics
· Gothic, Romantic, and Uncanny
· Imagination, Memory, and Childhood
· Revolution and Anarchy
· Romantic Geographies and the Tourist Gaze
· Romantic Victorians
· Romanticism as Proto-modernism
· Romanticism and Abstract Expressionism
· Romanticism and Empire
· Romanticism and Its Afterlife in the Far East
· Romanticism and Realism
· Romanticism and the Environmental Humanities
· Romanticism and the Inhuman
· Romanticism and the Apocalypse
· Romanticism and the Everyday
· Romanticism and World Literature
· Romanticism and the Technological Sublime
· (Post)Romantic Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis
· (Post)Romanticism and Book History/Print Culture
· (Post)Romanticism and Celebrity Culture
· (Post)Romanticism and Gender Performance
· Sensibility and Social Reform
· Solitude and Sociability
· The Country and the City
Proposals of no more than 300 words should be sent by 15 May 2016 via EasyChair (https://easychair.org/ conferences/?conf=rl2016). Should you have any questions or enquiries, please contact us at earn.nccu@gmail.com.
We intend to produce an edited volume from the conference with a major academic publisher and a special issue for The Wenshan Review of Literature and Culture (www.wreview.org).
Organising Committee:
John Michael Corrigan (NCCU)
Yih-Dau Wu (NCCU)
Shun-liang Chao (NCCU)
Li-hsin Hsu (NCCU)
Jing-fen Su (NCCU)
Emily Sun (NTHU/Barnard College)
Alex Watson (Japan Women's University)
Laurence Williams (University of Tokyo)
敬祝 研安